⛓️ Getting started with blockchains
- [ ] Install MetaMask
- [ ] Visit Chainlist and add these networks:
- [ ] Avalanche
- [ ] FTM
- [ ] BSC
- [ ] Polygon
- [ ] Arbitrum
- [ ] Optimism
- [ ] Moonriver
- [ ] Get an exchange account at Binance or similar
- [ ] Get some Matic at an exchange and send to your metamask (via Polygon)
- [ ] Add another account to your MetaMask and name it Account 2 or something
- [ ] Send Matic back and forth between your accounts
- [ ] Get some FTM at an exchange and send it your Metamask (via Fantom)
- [ ] Get some BNB at an exchange and send it to your Metamask (via BSC)
- [ ] Note how you use the same address, regardless of the network. This is because they are all EVM networks. Read about EVM networks.
📈DeFi Intro
- [ ] Go to Uniswap and swap a small amount of Matic for USDC
- [ ] Go to Quickswap.exchange and swap some other tokens
- [ ] Read about or watch a youtube vid on Uniswap, Maker, Aave, Compound, Yearn. These were the first major DeFi projects and it’s good to know a little history before you progress.
- [ ] Check out https://defillama.com/ and look at the DEXes
- [ ] Swap tokens on 10 different DEXes — pick any chain and any tokens. Think about the different UI and UX. Are any of them copies of each other? What differences do you notice?
- [ ] [Add the Dexes you used here and write a short note about each. Try to use a variety of chains. Feel free to add new networks to your metamask and send new native tokens there. What do you notice about the different chains? Are speed or cost different?]
This will be a bit laborious, but we want to make it second nature to swap one token into another. It should feel very familiar to approve and swap tokens. You also want to get a sense of how DEXes operate and why they basically all look the same. You will notice many small details as you do this over and over.